October 22nd, 2019
In recent times so much Lean Six Sigma application has centred around the benefits that can be gained in transactional working environments. That’s why it’s always great to have the opportunity to use Lean techniques in the place they were originally developed – on the factory floor. Earlier this year Bourton Group led a project […]
October 9th, 2019
Evolution or Revolution. Shaking it up. This year’s LCI-UK summit is opened by Rob Walley, Senior Partner here at Bourton Group LLP, and Board Director with the Lean Construction Institute UK. The 2019 Lean Construction Summit “Lean Construction: Evolution or Revolution? Shaking it up” aims to address the fundamental questions facing the Construction Industry, from […]
October 2nd, 2019
Recently I assisted with a Robust Design for Analysts training course run by Bourton Group at one of the UK’s leading manufacturing companies. It was a useful reminder of Process Improvement’s vast scale of complexity. I spend most of my working life training, coaching and leading projects at companies which have massive amounts to gain […]
September 10th, 2019
The devil in the detail: why transformation efforts fail Having a great vision and plan is important, but the fact remains most transformation efforts will fail at the execution stage! The most common reason for this is that leaders often underestimate the magnitude of change. Change leaders can misjudge the importance of engaging the entire […]
August 27th, 2019
While, many companies start the process excellence journey with a bang many will start but fail to deliver the expected benefits or even worse never take off at all! Our article looks at some of the common causes of failure along with the characteristics of our approach to mitigating these and to developing an effective […]
August 14th, 2019
How Stakeholder Analysis can help you to understand the views of stakeholders with respect to change. So what is it? Stakeholder Analysis provides a way for the project team to predict the views of the stakeholders with respect to the change. A stakeholder is anyone who: Owns the process/es Controls critical resources within the processes […]
August 1st, 2019
All Lean practitioners know that success with improvement projects will only come if they have the buy-in of the people involved. When you make changes to processes, if the people involved do not understand why those changes are happening, disagree with the need for the change, or believe the wrong changes are being made, then […]
July 17th, 2019
I’m an excellent communicator Ask any group of people what needs to be improved in the workplace and the chances are that most will say communication. Although, it’s something we all do all day long, instinctively and subconsciously. Most people will cite ‘communication’ as one of their key skills on their CV and, like driving, […]
June 18th, 2019
Lean Six Sigma Application From a Belt’s point of view, one of the great things about Lean Six Sigma (LSS) techniques is that they can be applied to any situation. You do not have to be an expert in the processes or even the industry in which you lead an improvement project; indeed, it can […]