May 29th, 2024
RIEs, sometimes known as Kaizen events focus on short-duration projects to drive operational improvement. A cornerstone of Lean Methodology they can make significant, measurable improvements to a specific process within a very short period – ranging from a few days to a few weeks.
RIEs are often the initial step towards a more extensive operational improvement programme – quickly addressing specific issues and generating immediate results. RIEs effectively demonstrate the potential benefits of broader improvement programmes, helping to build momentum supporting further operational improvement efforts.
Rapid Improvement Events:
Rapid Improvement Events propel your organisation’s operational excellence to new heights, start integrating RIEs into your improvement strategy today. Empower your teams, achieve quick wins, and build a sustainable culture of continuous improvement.
Bourton Group has applied the Rapid Improvements Event methodology with numerous clients across a wide range of industries, with some examples here..
Professional Business Services, Banking and Law
Engaging everyone in the process is enjoyable and highly effective, and managers can see immediate benefits – with outcomes aligned to wider business objectives.
Contact us at 01926 633333 or email to learn how we can help you implement effective RIEs and drive meaningful change.