Increasing Access Capacity and Possession Utilisation
The Problem
Does the Anglia Route have enough Access, in the right place at the right time, does all the work fit within the available hours and are Possessions being utilised in the most efficient and effective way?
The Solution
Bourton Group worked in partnership with Arup using our diagnostic tools and techniques to review the work bank demand, access capacity and possession utilisation.
A ‘Top Down – Bottom Up’ approach was taken with the objective to qualify and quantify the situation and identify targeted improvement interventions aimed at improving track access demand requirements and net capacity in a rapid and cost-effective way.
The Benefits
The review concluded that:
- The organisation was managing to maintain performance, just, without speed restrictions or incidents. However, there was significant risk if backlog and possession utilisation were not addressed.
- The team would need to request an extra 10,974 hours of possessions over the next 36 months to be compliant and shift towards preventative maintenance.
- The possession utilisation was currently poor (observed completion of only 20% of the work planned over several night shifts). A range of improvements around better activity sequencing and not cramming too many activities into weeknight possessions (using more weekend possessions) were implemented.