Building a Resilient Global Supply Chain
The Problem
The digital solutions required a shift in procurement streams and supply chain partners around the globe with several key components procured from China.
The Smart Living Solutions sales forecast indicated a huge rise in volumes in the near future coupled with the uncertainty of the UK import and procurement processes meant that the supply chain was a key business risk.
Having previously supported our client with a range of Operational and Organisational consulting projects, Bourton Group was asked to provide support to ensure the business had an acceptable level of supply chain resilience built on assessments and analysis.
The Solution
Work began with a detailed analysis of current and future demands using ABC/XYZ SKU analysis techniques to understand the product mix and estimated volumes for components and systems. The outcome indicated several critical components were single-sourced from overseas.
Our supply chain assessment tool was deployed to analyse supply chain status and performance and determine action plans.
A cross-functional workshop was held to identify critical suppliers and to determine associated supply chain risks using the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) approach including internal and external factors (Brexit, overseas suppliers, political action, etc).
Workshop sessions were held to develop solutions and create plans to implement new ways of working.
The Benefits
- An assessment and quantified understanding of the supply chain and its current processes
- Supply chain performance is benchmarked against comparable businesses
- A quantified assessment of the risks and potential impacts to supply for both current and future volumes including mitigation actions
- Assessment and selection of best option for future supply considering business growth
- An implementation plan and transformation roadmap for the new ways of working including supply chain strategy development
What Housing, Health, and Care Partner said about us
The task was complex as it involved process and approach recommendations as well as challenging aspects of managerial and leadership competence. All of which was handled well; including the more difficult tasks of managing leadership performance.
Chief Operating Officer